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The Best Time to Send an Email

Email marketing is a powerful way to grow your business. If you’re not sending emails out to your list, you need to start! But when it comes to email marketing there are so many things to take into consideration! And one of those things is when the best time to send an email out is.

Well, recently carried out some research to find out the answer to that question and here’s what they discovered…

The emails that see the most opens are sent between: 8am-9am or 3pm-4pm

The emails that see the most click throughs are sent between: 8am-9am and 3pm-8pm

Emails have the best result within one hour of sending out the email. This is when over 23% of all emails are opened. 24 hours after delivery the open rate is close to zero.

Most email managers, like Get Response and MailChimp give you the option to schedule based on the recipients timezone – so if you want your emails to go out at 3pm you could schedule it to go out at 3pm to your clients in the USA, 3pm to your clients in Australia etc. Clever.

If you are going to do this you have to schedule your email 24 hours prior to sending it out.

Here’s a closer look at the results from


I hope this helps you with your email marketing!

Carrie x

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