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Simple Strategies For Making Your Facebook Fanpage AMAZING!

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to get thousands and thousands of fans on Facebook and a high level of engagement with fans?

I used to wonder this all the time! Back at the beginning of 2012 I had about 1,000 fans. And I would look on other fanpages and desperately want to know what their secrets and strategies were! I wanted to know how they’d done it. So I spent a lot of 2012 trying to figure it out.

I’ve managed to figure a lot out! I now have over 29,000 fans, a really high level of engagement and Facebook now drives thousands of people to my website.

Once you undertand the strategies and steps you need to take, it’s easy to build an amazing fanpage.

Facebook has been my number one marketing tool for 2012 and so as we wrap up the year I want to share these strategies with you.

Next Thursday, 20th December, we’re doing a live webinar where we’re sharing proven Facebook strategies that you can apply to make your fanpage amazing and to get more fans, more engagement with those fans and more leads.

It’s completely free, but spaces are limited, so if you want to join us register now.

Register here:

I’m going to be joined by Facebook marketing expert Amy Porterfield. She has worked with Tony Robbins and Harley-Davidson and I have learnt so much from her. Every time I apply one of her strategies I see incredible results.

The webinar starts at 9am PST, 12pm EST or 5pm GMT.

Not only will Amy be sharing her proven strategies that you can apply right away, she will also be answering your questions – so if you have any Facebook questions you’d like answering write them down and register for the webinar now and make sure you ask Amy at the end of the webinar.

Places are limited, so reserve your spot now.

Register here:

We’re going to be sharing a lot of information, so make sure you have a pen and paper at the ready!

See you next Thursday.

If you have any questions, leave a comment and let me know.
Carrie x

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