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Issue 4 of This Girl Means Business is LIVE!



I’m so excited that issue 4 of This Girl Means Business is live.

Working on this issue has been really fun… I LOVE halloween, so doing the Trick or Treat article was really fun and I loved the tips and tricks we were getting through. It’s also a special issue, because we wanted to do a feature on breast cancer as October marks Breast Cancer Awareness month. Three women shared their story about fighting breast cancer and how they then went on to set up their own business – these women really inspired me. A quote I absolutely love sprang to mind when I read their stories:

“Everything you have in life can be taken from you except one thing: your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. This is what determines the quality of the life we’ve lived. Not whether we’ve been rich or poor, famous or unknown, healthy or suffering. What determines our quality of life is how we relate to these realities, what kind of meaning we assign them, what kind of attitude we cling to about them, what state of mind we allow them to trigger.”

~ Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

We also did an article all about how to turn big ideas into a reality, the power of essential oils – I loved this article, because I never used to know what type of essential oils did what! Now I know which one to use to help me focus more, perfect!

I hope you enjoy reading this issue, I’m not quite sure how we managed to get it all finished in time this month with so much going on, but I guess when there’s a will, there’s a way!

Carrie x

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