The Blog

Something Massive Happened…

Last week was a massive week for me, but before I tell you why, let me tell you how I got to that point.

In February 2011 I decided to set up the Female Entrepreneur Association – it was just an idea I had, to do something that made a difference, to share inspirational stories, to hopefully inspire people enough to make amazing things happen in their lives.

I started by putting a website together on WordPress and then using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook I reached out and found people who wanted to share their story.

Since then I’ve never looked back, I’ve kept going no matter how hard things got, not matter how many people told me that they “didn’t get” what I was doing. People literally thought I was stupid for wanting to do something that helped others without asking for anything in return. I remember during one meeting a woman said to me, “what’s the point in doing something out of the goodness of your own heart? There’s got to be more to it.” – I never had another meeting with her again.

I learnt to get rid of all of the negative people, all of the naysayers and surround myself with positive people, who believe in me and my ideas.

I learnt that when I’m pushed outside of my comfort zone that I get to choose how I feel and act. Instead of letting my nerves get to me or instead of being terrified I choose to listen to the positive voice inside my head, not the doubts or the negative thoughts. I tell myself I can do it – I choose to empower myself rather than let the negative thoughts and doubts take control. I’ve wasted so much time in the past letting the negative thoughts take control, but I will not let that happen anymore.

I’ve learnt that if I want to make things happen I have to get clear, I have to make a plan, I have to grab opportunities, I have to keep going no matter what problems I face, I have to constantly learn how to do things.

So, after 18 months I have built a network of over 23,000 women from around the world. I have published hundreds of stories about amazing women and I publish a digital monthly magazine, which is read by thousands of women.

So, like I said, last week something massive happened. I won The Change Makers Award, recognising me as an entrepreneurial rising star under the age of 30. Me, a rising star – it was surreal! This was presented to me by HRH Prince Andrew.

After that I had a mentoring session in a helicopter with Lord Bilimoria, which was amazing.

I sometimes wonder how all this has happened. Just over 18 months ago I was totally miserable and unhappy. I felt lost, I felt unfulfilled and I was in despair. Fast forward to now and I couldn’t be happier, I love what I do, I have a successful magazine and network and I’ve won an award.

How did it all happen? Well, one thing changed. My attitude.

If you want to achieve amazing things it all starts in your mind.

I’m 27, I’m just a normal person. If I can achieve great things, anyone can. So, I thought I would start a personal blog sharing the things I learn and insights into how I achieve things in the hope that it might help you to achieve great things too.


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