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An Interview With Gem Misa, Founder of Righteous Ltd.



{An Interview With Gem Misa, Founder of Righteous}

Gem Misa is an incredible entrepreneur – she quit her high profile job, because the sparkle had gone and she decided to set up her own business. She was a total foodie and so decided that she wanted her business to be about food. At first she came up with an idea that didn’t work out and then instead of giving up she came up with another idea: to create natural, organic salad dressings! In her second year of trading she managed to get her salad dressings stocked in supermarkets nationwide.

She started her business from home and around the same time she started it she also had a baby! What she has achieved is amazing and so I chatted with her to find out how she’s managed to do it.

Gem is going to be joining us at The Sisterhood event on the 20th September 2012 and sharing more insights with us – including telling us all exactly how she got supermarkets to stock her product and how she managed to get crowdfunding.

It’s going to be an amazing event and I would love you to join us. To find out more and to book on go here.

Enjoy the video, Gem really is amazing and her story goes to show what’s possible.


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