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A great friend and trusted adviser of mine recently recommended I read ‘start with why’ by Simon Sinek. It’s also recommended in the fabulous ‘This Girl Means Business’ mag. I always knew I wanted to be in the beauty industry, but could never really put into actual words why I wanted to. All I knew was, when I was doing beauty related things, everything seemed to go in my favour and there was some kick that I got out of it. I picked it up easily and felt with practice I could excel.

This all changed today. I received a letter off a girlfriend who’s make up I had done for her wedding. She told me it was the first time she had ever felt beautiful. I nearly cried at the sincerity of the letter and then I got a huge rush of joy and excitement that I could help someone feel that way from doing something as simple as putting on her make-up. Granted, every bride usually feels beautiful on their wedding day and so they should. But from knowing my friend well, I knew she would never have written something so heart felt if she didn’t really mean it. It made me feel that I was definitely on the right track. I’ve had a hard week of realising that it’s going to cost A LOT of money to do what I want to. I’ve no idea where this money will come from, how I will afford to repay it monthly at the very beginning and if things will even work out. But if I’m clear on the reason why I want to jump into the deep end of the beauty business world, then I’m hoping everything else will work itself out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no mug. I’ll have every penny accounted for, and no stone will be left unturned in my research but I really believe if I keep remembering why I am doing this and why it matters to me, then I think I have a chance at succeeding. I want to help people feel amazing. I want to inspire them through helping them to take time out for themselves, reconnect with what they love in life, whatever that may be, look to their inner selves and come out having a little more clarity on life than before they came in. I know that beauty can be seen as fickle, unhelpful and even damaging to people in some respects but what I believe is the complete opposite of that and if I can help people feel ‘beautiful for the first time ever’, then someone please tell me how that is wrong. What never fails to blow my mind, is the way a few simple products can transform someone’s confidence. From when they come to you shy, nervous of the unknown and fear that they will end up looking stupid and emerge full of confidence, life and energy is my ultimate kick. I imagine the feeling I get from that kick is similar to a high from a drug. You definitely want more. And so, this entry ends, but a lifetime amount of thought is in process of how to translate this kick into something tangible, real and downright cool.

I’m working starting from my why. What’s yours?

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