how she did it

Case Studies // You Have To Learn To Adapt...

You Have To Learn To Adapt

This story is about…

Female Entrepreneur: Elizabeth Perea

Company: NYC Real Estate Advisors

Industry: Real Estate Training

Location: USA

“Teaching is a passion of mine, but I came to realize that academia wasn’t and I had to adapt.”

Age range: 40s

What motivated you to start your business?

In 1998 I left for graduate school, to pursue a career as a university professor. I absolutely love teaching. I love it when I’m speaking with someone and I see that light of understanding shine in their eyes or when they have that “ah ha” moment and then stop to write something down and I know that “something” is going to be an action step that can change their life or their business.

Teaching is a passion of mine, but I came to realize that academia wasn’t and I had to adapt.

My other passion had always been business and I had a solid background in marketing communications, so in 2006 I launched a business communication and marketing company. As that company grew, I came to realize that the industry that I loved the most was real estate, specifically New York real estate. I love this city, the buildings and the people that make it unique.

As a professional educator and corporate trainer, I also have a very clear understanding of what has been missing in the area of real estate business training. So, once again, I adapted.

Tell us about your business…

In order to succeed in Real Estate, you have to learn to adapt. You need to be a life-long learner. I’ve mastered both of those attributes, adaptability and life-long learning, in my life and I’m extremely excited to share my knowledge and experience with others.

I launched NYC Real Estate Advisors because real estate professionals face 3 specific challenges:

How to best brand and market themselves

How to be successful at owning their own businesses

How to cut figure out exactly what they really need to know and what’s just hype or time-wasters

Real estate in New York affords opportunity like nowhere else and with innovative training and support, I believe real estate professionals in this city can out perform all others.

When someone asks me what I do, I tell them that I provide business tools and training to the top real estate professionals in the world, because I do.

What is a day in the life of you like?

Thankfully, my days are very varied, but generally, up at 7:00, 30 minutes of meditation, coffee & NY1 News, emails & social media, and catching up on all the day’s real estate industry news.

Then comes the day’s priorities which are usually meetings with business partners, trainings at brokerage firms, writing & designing marketing materials, PR, meeting with prospective clients, and writing workshops & trainings.

Somewhere in there is a protein drink and some exercise. my day is usually capped off with a fabulous dinner with my wonderful partner and a glass of wine.

What have been your biggest challenges so far with running your business?

Time–doing it all, staying focused and motivated through the tough times.

How did you overcome these challenges?

I always write out the next day’s agenda the night before. That takes out the guess work and keeps me focussed. Meditation–I meditate with Holysinc ( and it has changed my life. Also, I created my own “mind movie,” that inspires me. It’s a video vision board put to music (George Michael’s “Faith.”). Lastly, I use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) whenever I feel “stuck” and recently bought Jack Canfield and Pamela Bruners book on EFT. It has also changed my life.

Add to those things a support group of wonderful family and friends, and life is good!

What have you found to be the most effective way to get new clients?

Social media marketing, especially Linked In. Power networking! I love meeting people at Real Estate Events, Meet Ups, etc. Also, referrals and having a great brand and website.

What advice would you give to other business owners?

Never give up. Learn everyday. Learn to be comfortable outside of you comfort zone. Be adaptable! Look for every opportunity. Never pass up an opportunity. Always say “yes.”

There is an energy flow all around you. Just step into it.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I look at what I am building and I get excited. I watch my mind movie. I relish in the thought of blowing my competition away.

What’s your favourite quote?

“What ever you can do or dream, you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”


Who inspires you?

Entrepreneurs & Visionaries: Steve Jobs, speakers on TED Talks, TV shows like Bloomberg Mentors, Shark Tank, Selling New York and Million Dollar Deal, my fiancee’, and the talented people with whom I work.

Do you have a business philosophy?

Opportunity plus Training equals Unlimited Success.

Get in touch…



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