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Try Something New For 30 Days

Have you ever felt like life is passing you by and you’re not really doing the things you want to do? Days, weeks and months go by and you’ve not really achieved much. I think we’ve probably all felt like this at some stage. The question is, how can we turn this around and start doing amazing things all the time? Well I recently watched a great video on TED called ‘Try something new for 30 days” and I thought it was a simple, but genius idea for actually doing amazing things!

In this short, lighthearted video, Matt Cutts talks about a great way to think about setting and achieving goals.

I’m definitely going to try something new for 30 days – are you?

In fact, last night I got my journal out and started to make a list of all the new things I’d like to try for 30 days. I made sure that I placed NO LIMITATIONS on my list; I wrote exactly what I wanted and I didn’t question my ability to do it.

Enjoy the video!

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