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Let your Inner Champion Out

Before starting any project, any of your passion do you visualize how it looks? Can you see it in your mind’s eye? Can you touch it? Can you feel it? Do you dream about it? Do you think about it continually at every waking moment?

This for me is a burning vision a burning passion and when you feel this way about anything it’s time for massive action! You will not have a moment’s rest until you follow through on this burning desire. As Lisa Nichols bestselling author of “No Matter What” it’s time to “let your inner champion out!” It can no longer be kept dormant anymore! The champion in you is screaming, is ready to be born.

And we know what happens with the birthing process. It is sometimes painful, most times actually. It is sometimes messy, sometimes chaotic. Birthing your vision, your dream will at most times be challenging. It takes courage, faith and determination, a strong will but what happens after the birthing process? A combination of joy, pride and unconditional love. The hard works now begins but guess what? The love is there, the passion is there, the pride is there and it makes it a labour of love. The champion has been let out and is ready!

I look at starting a business as part of the process of letting your inner champion out, taking the vision that you can touch, see and feel and making it a reality. It’s not always going to be a clean, easy, smooth or straight path but there is joy and learning in the process. On the path so much knowledge is gained it is probably the best part of the creative process.

Right where you are you can do something with what you have and as who you are. When you are totally committed to following your dream and fulfilling your purpose, the only place you can start is right where you are.


Akosua Edwards


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