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Fear: The Only Thing That Is Stopping You

When you think about being the person you want to be, what would happen if you had no fear about that?

No fear about what others may think of you?

No fear about going for your dreams, no matter how big?

No fear about becoming truly successful in every way?

FEAR is the main emotion that holds us back in life. Our fears can be mild or out of control; either way they are inhibiting. They shut us off- they close us down, and make us afraid to strive for more.

You know when you’ve been plagued by fear. The ‘what if’s’ begin to creep into your head… ‘what if I dont get the job?’ ‘what if she doesn’t like me?’ ‘what if I can’t do it?’ … and the list goes on.

What do those ‘what if’s?’ get you? That’s right, absolutely nothing, except probably more of the same- more of the limiting thoughts and mindsets that actually paralyse you, and stop you from moving forward in that experience.

In that situation though, you have a choice. You can decide to allow fear to take over your mind- or you can decide, right now, that you will refuse to become a slave to your fear.

And it can be fear about anything- even the smallest things.

From giving a presentation to managing your finances, to standing up for yourself in a situation, in each and every moment we have the opportunity to deny fear its place in our thought process.

Fear is what makes people attack each other, that makes people close off from each other. Fear is hostile, afraid and scared. Fear cuts you off from connecting with the experience of just being yourself.

How important is it for you to refuse fear to control aspects of your life?

I think you know the answer.

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