how she did it

Case Studies // The Book Midwife...

The Book Midwife

This story is about…

Female Entrepreneur: Mindy Gibbons-Klein

Location: UK

Company: The Book Midwife and Ecademy Press

She started her business because: “I saw too many people spending too much time creating books that ended up ‘not quite good enough’”

Age range: 40s

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your business…

As founder of The Book Midwife® and Ecademy Press publishing, I help entrepreneurs plan, write and publish great books fast. I believe every entrepreneur is responsible for her public profile and credibility. I like seeing risk-takers do well, and I think good people who work hard deserve to be rewarded for their efforts. I’m often called an ‘inspirational speaker’ but really I just want to encourage people to inspire themselves!

What was your main motivation behind starting your business?

I saw too many people spending too much time creating books that ended up ‘not quite good enough’. I knew I could help them craft a much better book and get it done in a fraction of the time!

What’s a day in the life of you like?

Either out on the road speaking or training, or at my desk, coaching by phone or Skype, supporting my private and group clients as well as my team of coaches. Also, planning for future events, writing articles and blogs… whew! No wonder I get a little tired sometimes.

What challenges have you faced?

We had some bad debts a few years ago, and I needed to lend the company a lot of money.

How have you overcome the challenges?

Luckily I had some savings and it made us more determined to get more quality business in the door. We also created more stringent terms of business. I shared my challenges with close business associates, people in my mastermind groups, and we came up with ideas together. I don’t know if I could have faced it all ‘alone’.

What is your biggest achievement so far?

500 clients have written and published books, and we have recently won two awards (Specialist Coach of the Year from the APCTC and Enterprising Business from the East of England Business Champions).

How have you raised the awareness of your business?

We’re pretty good on social media, and word-of-mouth is excellent, after 10 years of building the network.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I have a naturally high level of energy and I read a lot of inspirational books, listen to inspirational speakers live and online.

Who inspires you?

Oprah, Cherie Blair, my mother and every single one of my clients!

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs?

Never, ever give up on your dream. When times get tough, dig deep and remember how much it means to you. Ask for help and be creative.

What’s your favourite quote?

“Only do what only you can do”

(and delegate or outsource the rest!)

Do you have a business philosophy?

Start with what and whom you care most about, and build from there.

What’s your goal for the next year?

Build The Book Midwife global team of coaches and double our turnover.

Get in touch with Mindy…


@MindyGK  and @bookmidwife

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