how she did it

Case Studies // Deep down we all know the righ...

Deep down we all know the right path to take

This story is about…

Female Entrepreneur: Kim Gillespie

Location: Australia

Company: Savvy Inspired Women

Industry: Coach/NLP

She started her business after going through a challenging personal time and then though NLP and EFT turned her life around and now she helps other women do the same.

What motivated you to start your business?

5 years ago I had what many describe as my ‘dark night of the soul’. I had to walk away from a business that I loved due to financial struggles and then my husband filed for divorce 3 months later. So after over 20 years of marriage,I found myself broke, alone, with no support, depressed and in a job I hated.

I had lost all of my self confidence and self worth. For a long time I tried to deal with the depression and feelings of hopelessness on my own, but slowly through the support of my wonderful best friend and a coach , I began to emerge from what I can only describe as a ‘dark hole’.

I had always been interested in Self Help books, so I finally began to take some courses in coaching, NLP, EFT etc. This started the journey for me to slowly emerge from my cocoon of helplessness and feeling like a victim , into the Happy, Joyful and Empowered Woman I am today … and goodness, I know where I would rather be!

It is now my mission to help other women who are where I was, to re discover their self worth and confidence and create a fabulous, meaningful life that they love!

It’s funny, as I talk to many women, and read the stories on this website – I have discovered that we all go through that ‘dark night of the soul’ to some degree, but the pain and challenges that we face will turn out to be our greatest gift, if we use that pain as fuel to move forward. In our greatest challenge lies the secret to living our true purpose on this earth.

Tell us about your business…

My Business is called Savvy Inspired Women. My mission is to help Women get Unstuck, Reclaim their Self Worth, Create a Meaningful and Profitable Career around their Life Purpose and Get Their Sexy Back.

What is a day in the life of you like?

I am so lucky to be able to work from home. My day involves first getting up and going for a walk along the beautiful Brisbane River, followed by 30 minutes of meditation. I then check my emails and prepare for my clients for the day. I also run workshops, so I am usually making sure my content is organized. At the moment I am also developing some online programs, so that involves a lot of computer work and recording of audios.

I try to make time later in the day to get outside and have a break.

What have been your biggest challenges so far with running your business?

My biggest challenge has been financial. I lost everything when I walked away from my shop, so it has been a case of doing a lot of DIY when it came to my website and marketing.

How did you overcome these challenges?

LOL … one bite of the elephant at a time!

Some days I amaze myself at how much I have learnt about business, websites and marketing. When I had the spare cash, I always re-invested it in my business and have invested in some fabulous online courses.

What have you found to be the most effective way to get new clients?

First, I became very clear on who my ideal client was and then I went to places where she was, be that facebook and networking events. As my business is international, I have found that the women I want to work with usually find me through my website.

What advice would you give to other business owners?

My best bit of advice is PERSISTANCE, some days you will feel dejected and wonder WHY am I doing this. Persevere, because when your Big Vision for your life is in your heart, there can be no going back.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I am a spiritual person, so meditation has helped me. I also love to hear about other women’s journeys, the struggles they have faced and how they overcame them, because if they can overcome their roadblocks and create a meaningful and successful business … Why Not Me!

What’s your favourite quote?

I have this quote on my website:

And the day came when the risk it took

to remain tight inside the bud,

was more painful

than the risk it took to blossom.

{Anais Nin}

Who inspires you?

My children!

My children are aged from 18 to 25 and are all confident, compassionate and courageous adults who are all following their dreams.

Do you have a business philosophy?

This is not really a business philosophy as such, but it has let me on the path I am on today.

Listen to your soul, because deep down we all know the right path to take.

If you want to know if a JV partnership is a good idea , if you want to know the next step in your business, listen to your soul – your inner wisdom knows xxx

Get in touch…


Facebook Fanpage:!/pages/Savvy-Inspired-Women


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