About me
Disney, you have a lot to answer for.
Prince charming hasn’t turned up providing me with the millions I require to buy my dream house. And it’s now looking more and more likely that if I don’t do something soon to shake things up, I’m going to have to start buying Bridget Jones’ style underwear (heaven forbid), and fears of dying in my flat with dogs eating me for breakfast, manifest themselves. The countdown is on until the big three-zero is hit and there isn’t much time to lose. So, instead of wallowing around waiting for Mr Darcy to turn up, I’m focusing on sorting my shizzle out, and getting on with building a business that, alongside Mr Darcy, I have previously only ever dreamed about.
About the blog
This blog aims to be a series of amusing rambles which highlight my attempt to fumble through the beautiful world of business to make the crazy ideas in my head, become a hugely successful reality. This would be whilst I maintain a rather demanding full time career (got to keep the pennies coming in. Sadly, no trust fund turned up aged 21), attempting to uphold an incredibly hectic social schedule, and not having a clue about the industry that I am delving into. Tony the Tiger is ringing in my ears…’Grrreeeeeeatttt!’.
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