how she did it

Case Studies // Starting a Business After Figh...

Starting a Business After Fighting Cancer

Female entrepreneur: Gabby Mottershead

Location: UK

Company: Confidence After Cancer

She started her business because: “I struggled myself with low self esteem and lack of confidence following chemotherapy and mastectomy. I connected with lots of women, mostly online, and realised that this is a widespread problem. I have worked hard on myself on building my confidence and rebuilding my life, I want to share my experience with other women.”

Age range: 40s

Tell us about your business…

Confidence After Cancer offers 121 support for women after treatment ends, and the safety of regular medical appointments and the comfort of being cared for by friends and family ends. Depression, anxiety and increased risk of suicide are too common in breast cancer patients. We offer confidence building coaching; the miracles of Skype and the internet mean we offer this around the world, and Reiki healing is offered to Manchester clients.

What is a day in the life of you like?

Keeping in touch with groups and individuals on the internet, meeting with women who need 121 support, telephone coaching others. I am also an advocate for increasing awareness of Inflammatory Breast Cancer, so write and blog about that too. I am trying to raise funds so we can continue to offer free help to women who have financial challenges.

What have been your biggest challenges so far with running your business?

Fundraising! Millions of pounds are raised every year for ‘raising awareness’ of breast cancer, but there is a huge gap in support when treatment ends.

How did you overcome these challenges?

Still working through them, have had help and support from many wonderful people.

What have you found to be the most effective way to get new clients?

Personal referrals, word of mouth, and Facebook has been brilliant too.

What advice would you give to other business owners?

When you are working on something you passionately believe in, it doesn’t feel like work.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I was used to working in big teams in my corporate life, so have made the effort to network, and have met some amazing, supportive women who inspire me.

What’s your favourite quote?

‘I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.’

Carl Gustav Jung

Who inspires you?

Melanie O Neill, Anthony Robbins, Louise Hay

Do you have a business philosophy?

Always do your best, and it’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.

Get in touch…


Twitter Name: @confidenceac

Facebook Fanpage:

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