how she did it

Case Studies // A Baby, 2 Degrees & A Bus...

A Baby, 2 Degrees & A Business

“I don’t dwell on a challenge. I immediately think of solutions or other ways around it and I spend my energy on that. Wasting it on worry and disbelief in yourself won’t get you anywhere.” Read Zena Wehbe’s story below.

What motivated you to start your business?

I just had a baby but I also had two degrees in my pocket, one of them a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (distinction). My number one goal was staying at home with my son but I found myself helping family and friends with nutrition-related problems, whether weight loss, diabetes, cholesterol or more trying to make the most of my degrees. I created safe evidence-based diet plans for them and I was happy that I was able to help them. That’s just it, I was HELPING and I never really asked for money and that’s the way it continued.

Then I figured, if I am staying at home, but helping all these people, why not create a free website that I can develop to produce the diets for me based on individual needs while I can keep the majority of focus on my son. My husband completely supported and encouraged me and that pushed me further to realising my idea. That’s how I came to produce– completely on my own and after one tough year of strained eyes and long nights!

Tell us about your business

I have a free on-line Diet Centre that was launched two months ago: I created the website on my own (after purchasing the domain and template) and I have created diet plans in accordance with my HPC license and as a member of the British Dietetic Association. Diet plans are available for diabetes, weight loss, cholesterol and triglycerides, blood pressure and multiple conditions as well. The diets are safe, balanced and follow evidenced-based research and N.I.C.E guidelines. Diets are used online to make them easily accessible for patients anywhere. They outline what to eat for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks by simple meal plans and instructions using the foods you have at home. Individuals also are given variety, balance and choice daily as they have a variety of easy meals to choose from each day (they can even use their own recipes and just use our guidelines). Individuals can follow up with dieticians on a regular basis in order to note progress and challenges and discuss solutions or changes. Furthermore free psychological counselling by professional and licensed psychologists can counsel patients online if they are facing mental obstacles or challenges when dealing with the diet. Plus we have a resident fitness trainer who provides fun exercise tips and routines to complement a healthy diet. And for those who are not interested in a diet, our Blog posts regular nutrition and diet tips useful for everyday life!

What is a day in the life of you like?

Mainly my day is spent tending to my precious son and when he is napping- out comes my computer! I read the latest nutrition research so I can post in the Blog, then I communicate this to my Facebook and twitter members. I follow up with emails from members using the diets who have specific questions or a challenge they are facing. It’s really rewarding when I read emails from members thanking me for their weight loss or how their blood sugar is regulated or even how their face is fuller! Then I communicate with the resident fitness trainer about which exercise tips to post on the Exercise&Fitness Section of the website. I try to squeeze that into my son’s nap times and if I am not finished I continue to work after his bedtime (and hubby’s bedtime too!).

What have been your biggest challenges so far?

When I first imagined my website, I thought “This is going to be a revolutionary approach to managing diet-related issues: the WHOLE HEALTH SECTOR will be ecstatic that I can help their patients and clients for FREE. I just have to tell them about my website and they will thank me with gratitude that I just cut down health costs and send countless referrals!!!” But the most I got was an email from the NHS after 3 months of writing to them telling me “Thank you for your email, I will forward it to the health improvement team.” And still no answer BUT still plenty of hope! I feel if I get my website out to the people directly, through social media and media itself, they themselves will find it and I don’t have to wait for the bureaucracy that sometimes delays and postpones.

How did you overcome these challenges?

I set up a Facebook page and after two months I have close to 2000 members. Then I recently set up a twitter page and almost have 100 followers. I enter associations that support entrepreneurs and their ideas (like FEA) and I have started to enter competitions- and I have recently won! I can now call Delightfully Light, the “award-winning” website!

What advice would you give to other business owners?

Creating your business is only half the process. The other half is social media, marketing and promoting because people won’t find you- YOU have to find them.

How do you keep motivated through difficult times?

I don’t dwell on a challenge. I immediately think of solutions or other ways around it and I spend my energy on that. Wasting it on worry and disbelief in yourself won’t get you anywhere.

Do you have a business philosophy?

Believe in it. Don’t dwell on the challenges.

Country: United Kingdom

Company Name: Delightfully Light


Industry: Nutrition (Health)

Age Group: 20s

Twitter Name: @DelightfulyLite

Facebook Fanpage:


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