how she did it

Case Studies // Retired Due to Back Pain and S...

Retired Due to Back Pain and Started Her Business

From Massage Therapist to Aromatherapist. Read her inspiring story below.

What does your business do?

Bellaroma is a Natural Skincare Boutique offering an array of elegant skincare products made from love and inspired by nature. I use only the finest, freshest, highest of quality supreme natural ingredients made up of 100% pure essential oils, fresh raw materials, organic spices, herbs, seeds, butters and extracts from all around the globe. All of our products are paraben-free…safer and healthier for our skin!

What made you decide to start your own business?

I’ve always been passionate about scents, beauty, holistic wellness and creativity. I can remember being a little girl growing up and always having to smell everything in sight wondering how I could make my own little perfumes in fancy shmancy bottles. I used to be addicted and obsessed with scratch ‘n’ sniffs as a kid… I had a whole sticker book full of scratch ‘n’ sniffs and I scratched the sniffs off all of ‘em! I can still close my eyes and reminisce about those childhood aromas of Strawberry Shortcake Dolls and scented My Little Ponies.

How I got started…I became a Certified Massage Therapist back in 2005 and I also studied Aromatherapy. After 3 years of practicing Massage Therapy, I had to make a very difficult decision and retire from it due to low back pain (go figure!). I really enjoyed using essential oils and aromatherapy on my clients so much, that I just couldn’t give it up completely! Soon after, Bellaroma came to life!

What has been your biggest challenge so far?

My biggest challenge has probably been time. I work full time as an Administrative Assistant and sometimes it’s challenging working full time and at the same time thinking oh geez, I’ve got to prepare orders tonight, etc.!! Not that I’m complaining by any means, it just gets intense at times. I am a one woman show…so I whip, ship and label everything on my own. But it’s all worth it.

How did you overcome this challenge?

I’ve come to the realization to just take one thing at a time. I am a bit of a perfectionist so I’ve had to tell myself over and over again….it’s okay, these orders can wait a day or two to ship out! They don’t have to go right NOW! Lol.

What advice would you give to other business owners?

Know what you want before you pursue anything. It’s so much easier to have thought out your plan before taking any action. Be confident because it shows. Also, don’t give up. Even when times are stressful…keep strong and keep going!

What’s your favourite quote?

“Keep calm and carry on”

“Everything happens for a reason”

Who inspires you?

My family. I am very family-oriented and they inspire me everyday. Love my fam!

Get in touch with Diana…



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