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Case Studies // Healthy Eating Her Way to Succ...

Healthy Eating Her Way to Success; The Story of The Personal Nutritionist

Written by Bev Brammer

Woman of the Week 12th December 2011

I was overweight and unfit for 25 years. I put the blame firmly & squarely on the osteoarthritis in my left hip (a result of a birth defect and 7 operations!) In reality I should have realised my weight problem was due to unhealthy food and the fact that I did virtually no exercise!

I tried every diet you can think of – the clubs, the drinks, the pills, the faddy diets. I was weight obsessed. I felt it wasn’t fair – other people could apparently eat anything without getting fat. I was not happy.

When I reached the point of taking pain killers all day every day for the osteoarthritis I knew enough was enough & arranged to have a hip replacement at the age of 45.

At this time I was working as a doctor’s receptionist and also for my husband’s business.

Then I had the opportunity to walk 60 miles on the Great Wall of China for charity. I knew I had to lose weight and get fit or I would not be able to do it. So, I took the plunge. 25 years had taught me dieting didn’t work, so I embarked on a healthy eating regime. I also joined a gym, albeit reluctantly!

This was going to change my life.

I lost 3 stone over the next year, got fit, did the charity walk and then climbed Ben Nevis (because I could) and have more recently walked a marathon just for fun!

The self confidence I gained led me to a new career – working as a Nutrition Advisor for Being Real – an internet weight loss company, but sadly the owners disbanded the company after 2 years. So with the knowledge & expertise I had just gained I made the decision to work for myself and help others get off the dieting merry go round. I had originally trained in food and nutrition, gaining a Home Economics Diploma at uni, and then spent many years working for Panasonic as a Home Economist. I sourced a current Food & Nutrition Diploma course to get me up to date on qualifications (passed with distinction!) and am a member of the Federation of Holistic Practitioners.

‘The Personal Nutritionist’ was born in March 2010.

Primarily I help and advise my clients as they change their eating habits. Some want to lose weight, others just want to have more energy, improve their health and feel fantastic!

I see clients face to face or via phone and email.

Some may have just one consultation, others sign up for a couple of months and a few go the whole hog with the kitchen clearance and restocking with healthy foods. I suppose I work a little like Gillian McKeith, but I draw the line at poo!

If I had to describe my business with one word that word would be ‘support’.

It was hard to begin with, knowing how to advertise and market myself. But with perseverance, and some fabulous networking friends, potential clients are now contacting me – I feel as though I’m getting there!

I’m also doing workshops for Spice Manchester and currently speaking to some other amazing female entrepreneurs with regard to future business ideas.

Networking is great fun and proving to be quite productive.

I love what I do – I’m passionate about it!

One thing I’ve learnt is never ignore an invitation or an opportunity – it could be the one.

My favourite saying is “there’s no such word as try – do it or don’t”

I’m truly inspired by the many wonderful women I’m meeting, hearing about their success stories – I feel if they can do it so can I!

Also a shout goes out to my incredibly supportive husband Tony. He calls himself absolutely average, but he is the first English resident to complete Racing the Planet’s 4 Desert Challenge – the toughest foot race series in the world – now that’s tough!

Bev Brammer

The Personal Nutritionist


Face Book: The Personal Nutritionist

Twitter: bevnutritionist

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