how she did it

Case Studies // Referral Institute | Carmen Pa...

Referral Institute | Carmen Parkinson

Carmen Parkinson

Tel.07818 620163

What does your business do?

The Referral Institute teaches business professionals throughout the world how to harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing to drive sales for fast, sustainable business growth. At present, the organization has over 100 certified trainers operating in nine countries, and the numbers are rapidly growing.

Referral-based, word-of-mouth is the ultimate sales program. Those who train in it are Master Salespeople. There is no exception to this rule. Other marketing tools like traditional advertising, public relations and web sites are certainly of value, particularly if they reinforce the word-of-mouth process. The experienced sales professional recognizes that word-of-mouth is head and shoulders above all other sales and marketing methods.

What made you decide to start your own business?

I have always believed that large corporates often miss the point by concentrating on winning new business as opposed to building upon the relationships that they already have with existing clients. I became self employed eight years ago…and I am still here. My principles are simple ..if you treat people howTHEY want to be treated (thank you Dr.Allessandro) then you will succeed in having the right kind of clients.

What have been your biggest challenges so far?

Getting people to realise that they can ask for help without appearing weak or somehow “less than”. Additionally referral/word of mouth business takes time & encounters a great deal of sceptism.

How did you overcome these challenges?

By walking the talk, only dealing with like minded ethical business people & proving that our strategy works time & time again.

What advice or tips would you give to other business owners?

Keep positive, keep going and always be prepared to listen to feedback…positive or otherwise.

What’s your favourite quote?

If you think that you are too small to be effective then you have never been in a darkened room with a mosquito.

Who inspires you?

My mum…..very entrepreneurial , arrived here from Germany speaking very little English & absolutely showed me how.

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