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Here’s how to develop your brand strategy

Here's How to Develop Your Brand Strategy

Branding is one of my favorite topics, because it’s all about how you take your core message, values and beliefs and share them with your target audience in a way that’s going to resonate and have a big impact.

And that’s what we’re all here to do, right? Have an impact, mean something to someone, give someone a particular type of experience.

However, branding is something a lot of people struggle with… not really knowing:

  • How to figure out what your core message is
  • Who your target audience is, or being afraid to pick one group of people, so you’re trying to target everyone
  • How to actually get your message out there and make it resonate

These are all things I’ve definitely felt before and it took me ages to really figure out my brand and piece it all together intentionally, but once I did it made a massive difference!

So, if you’d love some help working on your brand strategy, have a watch of the video below where the amazing Suzi Istvan, founder of Social Suzi Designs, shares a 3-step brand strategy process.

If you want to put this into action in a bigger way download the worksheet which goes along with this video here >>


COMMENT: let us know below what is at the heart and soul of your brand & leave a link to your website, so we can check it out :)


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Figure out what you love, what you bring to the table and focus your brand on it.

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Now take some time to figure out who you get great results for and who you love to work with.

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Think about your ideal client’s needs and then think about what you do that can help them.

From this you should be able to start figuring out powerful ways to communicate and connect with your audience and powerful offerings you can create.


Ultimately you’ve got to put your heart and soul into you brand, dig deep to uncover what you really, truly care about, what lights you up, what gets you passionate, what you believe in, who you want to help and have an impact on. The clearer you become on all of these things, the more powerful, impactful and meaningful your brand will be, because your ideal audience will feel that heart and soul and be stirred by it. It’s an on going exploration, so never stop digging and exploring to make your brand beautiful.

See you next week!

Carrie xx

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