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Secrets to a Successful Life // Motivational Monday

Secrets to a Successful Life

I thought this was a nice video to start the week off with and reconnect with the power we all have to live a successful life starting right now.

Here are my take-aways…

:: Help people focus on their gifts, not their weaknesses, especially your loved ones. It can make all the difference in the world to them and their success in life. ::

:: Hammer away on how great someone is at one thing. Don’t just point it out once. Tell them constantly. ::

:: Your gift can fill in all the blanks. ::

:: Live and breathe positivity. ::

:: A successful business is a business that allows us to live a successful life. ::

:: Some of the most fun and meaningful experiences are also the most simple. ::

:: My purpose is to get as much fun and love out of life as I possibly can. ::

What about you? What struck you the most while watching this video?


Michelle Rohr

MICHELLE ROHR // Secret OWL Society

Michelle enjoys blogging, anything related to personal development, making printables, and being a part of the FEA community.

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