The Blog

10-Step Launch Blueprint

How to create a successful launch

This time last year I was in the middle of the pre-launch of the Members’ Club.

I was trying to build up excitement and hype around what I was about to launch, at the same time as putting the finishing touches on everything else, so that I could actually go live.

I was excited and incredibly nervous!

So as it’s coming up to the 1st birthday of the Members’ Club, I thought it would be a great time to take you behind the scenes and share with you the steps I followed that helped me launch.

It was one heck of an experience… at the beginning of it all the membership site was just an idea in my head, something I’d never done before and didn’t know how to do, and I wished I could have read more stories about how other people launched things, which is why I want to share my story with you.

This video is a little longer than usually, but I hope you find it helpful. There are 10 steps I share and an exercise/action for you to take right away that helped me soooo much!

I hope you enjoy this and I hope it helps you :)

If you found this helpful then I’d love it if you could tweet it…

And to all of you reading this that are part of the Members’ Club I just want to say a huge thank you and send you a big virtual hug for being a part of it. I have LOVED every second of building this community and I love how amazing it is, and it’s because of you.

I’m so grateful to have you as part of my online family :)


:: Find out more about launching and growing a wildly successful business inside the Members’ Club! ::


Here’s a recap of my 10-step launch blueprint…

10-step launch blueprint


I hope you’ve found this video helpful. If you have any questions leave a comment below :)

See you next week for another video!

Carrie xx

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