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4 steps to launching successfully

Launching – it’s something we all have to do as entrepreneurs. Every single one of us.

If we want to turn our ideas into realities there comes a point where we have to launch, and this isn’t just at the beginning of a business – it’s a continuous cycle. We have to constantly keep coming up with new ideas, products and services in order to keep growing our businesses.

However launching comes with it’s fair share of challenges… it can be overwhelming, stressful and scary! Have you ever wanted to launching something but felt so confused, overwhelmed and scared you kept putting it off? Unanswered questions, hard decisions you just couldn’t seem to make, that little voice inside that kept saying, “this is a stupid idea!”?

I think it probably happens to all of us – I will admit that it’s definitely happened to me. There have been things I’ve wanted to launch, but didn’t because it was too overwhelming and scary and eventually I took the easy way out and put it to the back of my mind.

So many wonderful ideas stay locked up inside of the minds of the people who thought them up, but it doesn’t need to be this way! In fact there is a simple solution to make sure this never happens to you and it’s this: having a launch strategy.

In this week’s episode the amazing Anne Samoilov who is the founder of Fearless Launching shares 4 things you need to do in order to launch successfully. Have a watch below and let us know in the comments below if you found this helpful (I hope you do!). Enjoy…

When you know exactly what you need to do, you have the help to make it happen and you create a simple process to follow everything becomes so much easier. It’s less overwhelming and scary and so there’s a much greater chance that you’ll make it happen.

I hope you enjoyed these tips from Anne, she has some wonderful resources over on her website, so definitely check them out on the link below:

Anne Samoilov’s website >>

Just go for it! #inspiringquote

Don’t be afraid to launch – create your strategy and go for it!

Good luck!

Carrie x

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