The Blog

How to get free media coverage for you and your business…

I had the most exciting day yesterday! I went to London for a Red Magazine photo shoot and it was so much fun! It’s for a feature coming out in the December issue of Red and I was sharing my tips on goal setting. I arrived at a studio in East London for the shoot (which was super cool) and met the team working on the shoot. They were all so lovely! I got my hair and makeup done, which was amazing and then I got to dress up in daring clothes!

On the train home last night I was buzzing and I started to think about how amazing publicity is for businesses! Firstly, it’s free and secondly it gets you exposure to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people and thirdly it’s not actually that hard to get!

I used to think that getting featured in newspapers and magazines was impossible, “why would anyone want to write about me?!” – I was wrong. You don’t have to be a celebrity to get media coverage – the media are absolutely desperate for fun and interesting stories. All you have to do is write your story – what you’ve got to offer, what’s interesting about what you’re doing, and send it to magazines, newspapers and TV shows.

Over the past year I have used some little tricks for getting featured, so last night when I got back from London I made a video to share the tips with you.

All of us can get media exposure – we just need to identify the places we want to be featured, search for contact details online and then pick up the phone or email in and tell them what we’re doing.

I’m not a PR expert, in fact when I started the Female Entrepreneur Association I was totally clueless about PR. But I did my best to figure it out – if I can get media coverage, so can you. I guarantee it.

Hope you enjoy my short video! If you have any PR tips or great stories about coverage you got, leave a comment below.

Carrie xx

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