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Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’re somehow meant to be doing “more” with your life? Creating more success, living a more fulfilled life, experiencing amazing things?

But even though you have that feeling, you don’t know what to do about it. You feel resistance, you question yourself, you’re just not sure what step to take and so feel lost?

Well, this was me 10 years ago.

I was utterly lost and just didn’t know what to do with my life and then something happened that change everything.

It led to me having the courage to start the Female Entrepreneur Association and I haven’t looked back since.

I’ve built the business of my dreams, written a bestselling book, made millions, worked from all over the world, won awards, spoken on stages all over the world… it’s been INCREDIBLE.

What I did back in 2011 opened the way for me to become amazing at manifesting my dreams and so as the 10th birthday of FEA is creeping up, I thought I’d reintroduce myself and take you behind the scenes and share my journey with you and the BIG things that helped me to get to where I am today.

I hope you enjoy this episode :)

In this episode I share with you:

  • How I started my first business (it was that or selling ice-creams at Cirque Du Soleil!)
  • How my first work experience after graduation made me realise that I didn’t want to be a lawyer and chose to grow my business instead.
  • Why I had to quit that first business and the quest I went on to find my purpose in life.
  • How I came up with the idea for the Female Entrepreneur Association in 2008 and why it took me 3 years to pluck up the courage to do something about it.
  • The moment I realised what I needed to do to create the life and business of my dreams.
  • How I conditioned myself for success with a Mission Success challenge.
  • The struggles, doubts and money blocks I faced on the way and how I overcame them (and the rituals I still do to this day that condition my mind for success).
  • How to open yourself, turn ideas into reality and allow abundance and success to flow into your life.

If you loved this episode, I would love your help in getting more people to discover this podcast! My mission is to inspire and empower as many amazing women as possible, so it would be great if you could help me to spread the word!

Simply take a screenshot or photo of yourself listening to this episode, share it to Instagram and tag us @femaleentrepreneruassociation. Share why you loved it and you could be in with a chance of winning amazing prizes and goodies from our luxury stationery line, Carrie & Co!

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