Susan Harrow // Media Coach & PR Expert

Susan Harrow

Susan Harrow is a world renowned media coach PR & marketing expert & author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul (HarperCollins).

For the past 23 years she’s worked with Fortune 500 CEOs, celebrity chefs, rock stars, reality TV stars, entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, speakers and authors just like you whom she helps to double or triple their income with PR by using sound bites effectively.

She now has a PR and sound bite course in which she has distilled the most important principles based her work with thousands of successful clients. Inside this new course we’ll be discussing you’ll be invited to join her in a free webinar so you can use some of the key principles that have made Susan’s client so successful in a super short time – sometimes as fast as 90 days.

What you don’t know about Susan is that she’s the “Go To” girl for murderers, the molested and mobster’s children – to get on Oprah. And she was almost sold into slavery to a Bedouin sheik for 3 camels and a mule.


Below are some free master classes Susan has created that are jam packed full of value, so if you want to learn more about getting publicity, have a watch.

susan webinar


speak in sound bites

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