THE MONEY BUNDLE: create more financial abundance in your life!
I’m so excited to share this month’s bundle with you! It’s all about money, which I think is a very important topic. So many of us have issues when it comes to money – whether it’s that you’re not making the money you would like, because you don’t feel like you deserve it and so don’t charge what you’re worth, or whether it’s that you don’t know how to make the money you want or maybe you are making the money you want, but just need a little help getting everything organised! Whatever your money story is, hopefully this month’s bundle will help you to get really focused on creating more financial abundance in your life.
This month we have worked with some incredible money experts to bring you workbooks that are going to help you break through any money blocks, get totally clear about what you want and help you to create a fun financial game plan! The experts are going to be joining us throughout the month for live Q&A sessions, masterminds and more, so that they can answer any questions you have.
- Download the workbooks, print them off & set aside some time to go through them – take your time with this and go at your own pace.
- Download the guided visualisation below & start listening to it every day if you can.
- Download all the other bonuses & goodies we have created for you.
- Make sure you head over to the forum & ask any questions you have about this month’s bundle & let us know what you think of the bundle!
- Make sure you bookmark the link to this page so you can access it in the future or download the entire bundle to your computer via the link at the bottom of the page.
- Have fun doing this.
I hope this month’s bundle allows you to get create more financial abundance in your life, in a meaningful way.
Carrie x
To access this month’s workbooks, click on the images below.
We have a brand new guided visualisation for you to download and listen to daily – click on the image below to access and then right-click to save it to your computer. We also have new inspirational iPhone & desktop graphics to help keep you on fire this month! Click on the images below to download – right-click and save the iPhone & Desktop images and then upload them to your device.
Get involved in the live events this month! We have live mastermind session (date to be confirmed), where we’ll be sharing more strategies to help you create more financial abundance in your life, and we have a live Q&A session taking place on Wednesday the 26th February, so come and ask any questions you have. If you can’t attend live, don’t worry, we’ll be recording them and you can watch them after. Click on the images below to find out more.